For her first lead, newcomer Cheryl Lyone (seen as a vampire dancer in the 1st season of “True Blood”) plays Catherine, a naive Catholic School girl who gets raped and left for dead, after seeing her best friend murdered by a bunch of very uncool people. Facing her, Freak Show Entertainment regular Ivet Corvea (“The Back Alley Butcher”) plays one of them, the very psychotic hooker Marla...
Cheryl Lyone: I had a very alienating childhood, where my movies were my escape. I fell in love with classic movies from the 40's through the 60's. I was obsessed with Judy Garland films because I identified with her wounded soulfulness. I knew from a very young age that I would express myself artistically through this medium.
Ivet Corvea: I started acting when I was a little girl in Cuba, performing every week during the communist meetings. Then, I came to the United States in 1990. After living in Miami with my family during my teen years an internal pull to expand myself grew. I moved to New Orleans, not consciously knowing what I wanted to do, but trusting that I will find it. Within a year, a talent agency approached me while I was working as a waitress and that’s when it all began. I was bitten by the bug as people say and I couldn’t, haven’t been able to shake it off.
FA: Where did you partake upon acting?
Cheryl Lyone: I would have to say life~! I was born with a wild imagination that guides me in any creative endeavor I partake upon. I have trained in Meisner, Checkhov, and the Alexander technique.
Ivet Corvea: I have studied with incredible teachers here in LA. Howard Fine was the 1st to teach me the Uta Hagen technique. But every set I walked onto, there’s something for me to learn. Every actor I encounter, there’s a presence, a depth and professionalism I’m inspired to master.
FA: Ivet, it says (you say) on your website that you’re an actress, painter, singer, dancer and creator. If somebody ask you “what’s your job?”, what will you say?

FA: When and how did you meet the people from Freak Show Entertainment?
Cheryl Lyone: I of course got an audition! (for “Run! Bitch Run”) I walked in presenting myself with a wide-eyed naivete like her and my hair pulled back in a bun. The callback was frighteningly intense and challenging, yet I knew afterwards in my soul that I would be a part of their creative endeavor.
Ivet Corvea: It was in 2007, before “Run! Bitch Run!”.I came in to audition for the role of Mary in the short movie “Back Alley Butcher”.
FA: What’s the story’s about ?

FA: Did you know about the case before ?
Ivet Corvea: I didn’t hear about it before, but later, in the news, maybe about a year ago, I heard about something similar happening to another woman in Middle America. Apparently, it does happen.
FA: And how did you get involved in the “Run! Bitch Run!” project Ivet?
Ivet Corvea: Joseph and Robert approached me about the character "Marla" and basically went down the list of things she would have to do. And I thought… HELL YEAH… I would love to play such a badass crazy bitch!
FA: How would you describe Marla’s personnality?
Ivet Corvea: Marla is misunderstood, and fearless. She would do whatever it takes to take care of herself! She has had to do this all her life. And therefore will stop at nothing to gain more power and respect.
FA: Cheryl, how about your character, Catherine, who, from a victim, becomes an avenger ?
Cheryl Lyone: She is very naive and firmly believes in her Christian morals... often annoyingly so! She sees the dark side of this life when she sees someone close to her murdered and then is brutally savaged. Her transition is dynamic and soul stirring. Retribution is her driving force of existence at that time no matter the consequences.
FA: Are you a fan of horror movies? If yes, what are your favorite ones?
Ivet Corvea: I am a fan of Horror films. I believe the fantasy and there for I get really scared! There are so many I love but my favorite is “A Nightmare on Elm Street”. Freddy Krueger the name alone sends shivers down my spine!
Cheryl Lyone: I am a huge fan of suspenseful thrillers! I saw “The Strangers” awhile ago, and I would have to say that one sticks out in my mind for now.
Wes Craven's "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984) / Bryan Bertino's "The Strangers" (2008)
FA: What was you reaction when you hear for the first time, the title of the movie “Run! Bitch Run!”?
Ivet Corvea: I LOVED IT! I though it was genius! Catchy and smart, the title along is a great conversation piece.
Cheryl Lyone: I thought... well this should be interesting!
FA: Are you familiar to 70’s exploitation movies or did you have to study them to prepare your characters in “Run! Bitch Run!”?
Cheryl Lyone: I am familiar with them now. The director gave me a list of them to watch so that I could fully understand the tone of the film. I watched “They Call Her One Eye” and “ Ms. 45" as well as “Last House on the Left”. I really loved “They Call her One Eye” because of her silence through out the film, and the shock of it.
Ivet Corvea: I was encouraged by Joseph and Robert to see a lot of the 70’s exploitation movies. My top ones were “I Spit on Your Grave”, “Last House on the Left”, and “They Call her One-Eye”, a pretty amazing and intense film, that helped me to work on my character a lot. Those movies had a big influence both on the writer and the director as well.
"Day of the Woman" a.k.a. "I Spit on your Grave" (1978) & "Last House of the Left" (1972)
FA: Where you influenced my any other movies?
Ivet Corvea: I found myself really loving the performance by Harvey Keitel on “Bad Lieutenant”. The drug use alone in that film is very realistic.
FA: Did you improvise sometimes and bring some additionnal elements to your character that was not in the script or did you just follow the intructions of the director?

Ivet Corvea: As the Character you always have to try new things see what works and what doesn’t. Joseph’s vision was clear to me and I tried to follow his instructions as best I could.
FA: What was the most difficult moment for you during the shooting?

Ivet Corvea: I found the nudity of my character difficult to get, but once it happen I got a bit more comfortable.
FA: What was the most memorable (enjoyable) moment during the shooting?
Cheryl Lyone: The whole experience of making the film is very memorable to me. This is my first movie where I am in the whole film! I have grown drastically as an artist because of this film, and I am eternally grateful for having the opportunity to be part of such a great team.

FA: What was the craziest thing that you had to do in the movie?
Cheryl Lyone: Oh goodness! I would have to say the forest scene. She is brutalized and left for dead, and her clothes were ripped off in the process. I have a nude scene walking through the forest trying to find my way back. I had a panic attack prior and I have never felt so exposed. I knew of this scene prior to shooting, and felt that this exposure was imperative to Catherine’s transition to avenger.
Ivet Corvea: I think that the plunger (masturbation) scene was the CRAZIEST! I can’t think of anything more insane than that on the whole film.
FA: Was it the first time that you use a gun in a movie? How did you prepare the action scenes?
Cheryl Lyone: Yes! The mental preparation is so important! For the scene to be authentic you have to be raw and your body has to be physically experiencing the emotions.
Ivet Corvea: It was not the 1st time I used guns. I have been shooting guns since I was a teenager.
FA: Really?!!!
Ivet Corvea: I was lucky enough that when I was growing up I made friends with a group of Bodyguards. they would go shooting often and i tagged along. I have used all kind of guns, riffles even a shot gun, that almost dislocated my shoulder! I like shooting handguns they are easier to handle and i have better aim with them. We would go to the shooting range there were several in town. And a few times in the woods by the everglades in Florida. Its been about 6 months since my last trip to the shooting range. I have an itchy trigger, and all this talk has me wishing I was going soon.
Ivet Corvea and her best friend
FA: In your opinion exploitation movies like “Run! Bitch Run!” are mysoginist or feminist? Maybe a mix of both? Don’t you think it’s an ambiguous genre finally?
Cheryl Lyone: I believe it is an ambiguous genre geared toward who ever it may appeal to regardless of sex.
Ivet Corvea: I’m agree with you, I think it’s very ambiguous, especially on this film, there is not as much revenge on the men, but it’s definitly taken.
FA: Let’s talk about your working relationship between each other. When did you two meet together for the first time?
Cheryl Lyone: I met Ivet at the first reading, and then the very intense callback. We rehearsed and shot the whole house scene first where we play Russian roulette . It was a very crazy scene as well my favorite!

FA: And what was your favorite scene in the movie?
Ivet Corvea: One of my favorite scenes of the movie is when Marla is trying to manipulate Clint into double-crossing Lobo. It really shows the kind of woman she is, a calculating and dangerous woman.
FA: In the movie, Ivet and you are the worst enemies, but what kind of relation did you have together when the cameras were not rolling? Was it friendly, or tensed?
Cheryl Lyone: Ivet is a joy to work with! She has such a lovely presence that is very easy to work with.
Ivet Corvea: It wasn’t a tense relationship. Cheryl is an amazing girl and I like her as a person. We didn’t get to become too friendly. I think we both kind of well respecting our characters. I think we just tried to work on our characters as much as possible. We tried to stay true as characters as we could.
FA: What was your reaction when you saw the finished movie for the first time?

Ivet Corvea: I felt such pride on the work that we all have accomplished, and I was really blown away, by the cinematography. I mean is a beautiful film with incredible shots
FA: What is your favorite “women with guns” movie character and why?
Cheryl Lyone: Bridget Fonda in “Point of No Return”. I loved the spy/contract killer storyline.
Ivet Corvea: Seriously Pam Grier’s performance in the movie “Coffy” is the most badass woman with a gun I have ever seen! “No one sleeps when they mess with Coffy!”... The tagline says it all!
FA: Ivet, you also played in another Joseph Guzman’s short movie, “Inficted”. When was it done ?
After “Run! Bitch Run!”. It was for a 48 hours film festival. Basically, producers, directors, and writers are asked to write and make a movie in 48 hours. It gave us an opportunity, after shooting “Run! Bitch Run” for so long, to work with a fresh idea on a new project.
FA: You’re also credited as producer on “Inflicted”; What did you do exactly behind the camera?
Since I am an actor and I’ve done some castings before, I was responsable for, basically, bringing in all the actors, and taking care of them, make sure that the whole process was a smooth one, and communicate between them and the director. This short was definitly a team effort.
FA: Do you think that “Run! Bitch Run!” has a social aspect or a social impact? Rape is still a big social problem...

Ivet Corvea: I think this film has a huge impact on the audience; It definitely brings out a very strong reaction in people. Yes rape is still a very big social problem and if this film can empower a woman to come forward if they been a victim of rape then I also think it has a positive effect on society.
FA: In movies, a woman/victim who kill her rapist is an heroine, but in real life, it doesn’t often happen apparently. And if it happens, she’ll be a murderer (unless if it’s self-defense of course). What do you think about that?

Cheryl Lyone: I believe that hate in response to hate will only worsen your situation. I do not believe in revengeful retribution.
FA: In movies, killing bad guys is a common thing, but in real life, do you think that (the worst) criminals deserve to die?
Ivet Corvea: No, I believe all criminals can be rehabilitated, and if not, they should be incarcerated for life.
Cheryl Lyone: I believe they deserve punishment for their crime behind bars. If it happens to be in self defense then I would not hesitate a second in killing them!
FA: Do you think that “Rape and revenge” movies are made mostly for women or for men?
Ivet Corvea: I think women can walk away from this film inspired, and empowered. I also think it can be enjoyed equally by both sexes.
FA: A ‘rape and revenge’ movie is not a 100% entertainment movie right? Usually, the rape scene is supposed to disgust the audience. Was it clear since in the script that this scene would be a shocking scene and nothing else?
Cheryl Lyone: I think that anything artistically that elicits a response negative or positive is entertainment. The rape scene in this script is not only there to shock. It happens to be an integral part in Catherine's transformation. The rape as well as other situations is the catalyst for her dynamic turn.
Ivet Corvea: Anytime you go into a scene with such a strong subject you have to have a clear objection to make it work. If you’re going for shocking go all out and get your point across.
FA: What is your position or opinion concerning the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution? Do you think everybody in America, and especially women, should have the right to have a gun for protection?
Cheryl Lyone: Whew... that is a tough one! There are many irrational people out there as well as several million sane people. I shudder at knowing how many irrational humans have loaded weapon,s at home. It is truly frightening to know how many innocents have died from these irrational humans. Then there are the rational ones who have saved themselves as well as others because of this law. It is such a controversial law that I am very torn about.
FA: What are your next projects?
Cheryl Lyone: I am currently in negotiations for an untitled film.
Ivet Corvea: I’m appearing on TNT’s “Raising the Bar” July 27th. I’m also reading a couple of plays, for the fall. I was offered a role by a friend of mine who runs a theater out here, the Marcha Theatre. I’ve done a couple of play with her before. She’s a lesbian, and she wrote about her life. Her new play is called “In the Tropics”, and I would be playing the lead character.
FA: Will you be in the next Joseph Guzman movie?
Ivet Corvea: I have not been asked to be in “Nude Nuns With Bug Guns”, but its still early! And regardless, I wish only the best for the Freakshow Team.
Interviews made in July 2009. Big thanks to Cheryl Lyone, Ivet Corvea & Freak Show Entertainment.
"Run! Bitch Run!" will be released on DVD in Japan by Creative Axa, on September 11th, 2009 under the title "リベンジ (Revenge)"
- ICSYB Cinema Presents: Run! Bitch Run!
- Run! Bitch Run! Review (Bthroughz)
- Run!Bitch Run! (Official)
- Run! Bitch Run! (Myspace)
- Ivet Corvea (Official)
- Cheryl Lyone (Official)
- Freak Chow Entertainment
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