If you know the great Comedy Central TV show “The Sarah Silverman Program”, you surely have seen Kate Freund in a couple of episodes from seasons 1 (Positively Negative) & 2 (Bored of the Rings).

Here is the first half of the two-part interview of this multitalented artist who likes to make movies in the living room (Kate's pink hair photo by Sammy Primero).

Frédéric Ambroisine: Is your name Freund German?
Kate Freund: My last name is German for “friend”. I'm German, Italian but I was raised in Los Angeles my entire life.
FA: You are an actress, director, writer, editor, music composer, banjo performer, producer, animator, make-up and digital effect artist, costume designer, casting director and illustrator. Did I forget something?
KF: I also make little stuffed animals and puppets. I sell the stuffed animals through www.katerdoll.etsy.com Also, if you watch “The Sarah Silverman Program”, there is a puppet named Ookie that I made.

Rob Schrab, Ookie, Kurt Scholler, Chris Romano - "The Sarah Silverman Program"
FA: Among all those activities, what was the first one who attracted you? The one that gave you the desire to work in the entertainment business?

They lead me into the auditorium and put me on stage. Then said, “what’s your talent?” Honestly, I didn’t have one so I faked it. I started singing and acting out the song, My Boyfriend’s Back. Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember the song lyrics so I just made up my own hoping no one would notice. I thought for sure that they would be mad at me for acting like I had a talent but everyone thought it was funny. They actually thought it was all part of my routine and put me in the show. From then on, I said I wanted to be an entertainer.

Kate Freund by Matt Freund (the previous and next one too)

FA: On your “official” – but incomplete - filmography (IMDB), you started to work as an actress, and then a casting director? How did that happened?

FA: What do you have to do as a casting director?
KF: Basically what a casting director does is a lot of work that most people take for granted. You’re sent hundreds of actor submissions and from those you pick people to come in and read for the part. It was really interesting for me to see the other side of the audition process. At then end of the day, it gets really stressful because you just want to find that perfect person that the director, producers and network all like.
FA: How did you met Rob Schrab? Did you know about his work before knowing him personally?

I suggested that we do a piece on Channel 101 and the Executive Producer signed off on it and then told me I should host it. I went down there with a camera crew and interviewed everyone. Rob was the last person we interviewed. I had seen his show Twigger’s Holiday and thought he was brilliant. After the interview we became email friends and then he asked me out. We celebrated our 4 year anniversary in April.

Kate Freund and Rob Schrab on the set of "The Sarah Silverman Program" (Season 3)
FA: Was he (Is he) a kind of mentor for you?
KF: Rob is a genius. His attention to detail and his comedic timing would inspire anyone. I’m very fortunate to be around someone who is so talented because it makes me try harder as a creative because I know he is going to see it. Rob’s my biggest fan but also my hardest critic.
FA: When did you hear about Channel 101?
KF: A friend of mine showed me the Channel 101 website in 2005.
FA: Can you explain a little bit the concept of the 101 Channel. The (failed) pilots and episodes etc.?

FA: You started as an actress in some 101 Channel shorts in 2005 and then you started to direct your own shorts. Did you have any directing experience before that?
KF: I directed some artsy student films at UCI and USC before delving into 101. The thing is, 101 is one of the best training grounds for honing your craft. It teaches you discipline. You have one month to make something and then it gets rejected or it gets screened in front of a live audience and you instantly know if you are good or not. If the room goes quiet or worse people talk over your show, you know that you have to do better next time. Usually when you submit to a festival you can’t see the initial reaction from the audience until months later. There is a certain immediacy to 101, which is great because you can be timely with your comedy. I helped Rob with “Thriller, Chiller Theater” and then I was a fairy in “Yacht Rock” but I kinda felt like a hypocrite for praising 101 so much and then never making my own show. I wanted to prove that I could make something and contribute too. I’ve made 11 shows for Channel 101 but only 5 have been screened. You never know what the panel is going to react to. Last June I finally got a show into Primetime with co-creators Kelsy Abbott and Kyle Reiter. It’s called "The Vacationaires", watch it!

Kyle Reiter, Kate Freund and Kelsy Abbot in "The Vacationaires" (2009)
FA: Where did the idea of “Mega Bitch Meltdown” come from?
KF: I wanted to do a show that had a mix of female and male talent. At the time, most of the 101 shows were all staring dudes. I had just watched “Switchblade Sisters” and “Naked Killer” and wanted to do a kick ass girls with guns show with a twist.

Kate Freund's "Mega Bitch Meltdown" (2007)
FA: How much did it cost?
KF: Around 80 bucks. I bought a few rubber masks, the glowing hand communicators and some tape stock. I had lights, and my brother Matt Freund, shot it with his camera. We borrowed guns from fellow 101er David Hartman.
FA: How long was the shooting and the editing?

FA: Did you also cut the trailer for the SXSW Grindhouse Contest Video in 2007?
KF: I saw the SXSW Grindhouse trailer late in the game and was so bummed out because I really wanted to make one. I knew I didn't have time to shoot something new so I just cut up Mega Bitch and wrote a voice over track. I think I did that trailer in one night and fed exed it out in the morning. It was on aintitcool's pick for grindhouse trailers.

Kate Freund's "Mega Bitch Meltdown" (2007)
FA: Why did you choose comedy as your main genre?
KF: I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it before. I just do projects that I want to do and ultimately, they fall in the comedy genre. I think it goes back to wanting to be an entertainer and some choice words Rob shared with me, “Don’t bore your audience.”
FA: There are different levels of craziness in comedy, and it seems that you’re trying to exeed the limits of madness a little bit more one short after another?
KF: When I make something all I am consciously trying to do is finish it. That being said, I think with each project I am trying to top myself. I mean, who wants to go backward?

FA: To know if your work will be efficient, do you have to laugh at your own jokes or make your friends laugh?
KF: I live with Rob Schrab. I like to edit in the living room. Rob will pass by and if what I’m working on catches his eye and he stops what he is doing to laugh. I know I am in good shape.
FA: In your shorts, you’re directing and acting at the same time. How do you manage to focus on your work behind and in front of the camera?
KF: Sometimes I watch stuff and it doesn't work. I go eck, why did I do that? If I was behind the monitor I would have changed that but oh well. I just try and make it work in the edit. There's a lot of great actors and there's a lot of great actors out there with baggage. I use myself because I don't want to deal with another person. It just makes things easier. The bigger the cast, the harder the shoot becomes to coordinate. I mean if I had a line producer and a budget then yeah I would work with more people. But we tend to shoot guerilla style. I have a five seater car. If you can all pile in one car it makes life so much easier. That way people are not running late or looking for parking.

Kate Freund's "The Day My Boyfriend Became" (2009)
FA: In the 101 Channels shorts that you played in and didn’t direct, which one are your favorites?
KF: Working with Sevan Narjarian on “The Pop” was a great experience. I was cast as Olive Oyl and it was so special because that's a role that my dad always wanted to see me play. As a kid he'd joke with me and tell me I looked just like Olive Oyl because I was so skinny. But back to working with Sevan. It's such a treat. He is so good with effects and direction. I know that whenever he asks me to do something, I want to do it because it is going to look kickass. I also really liked working with Danny Jelinek on “Arrow”.

Kyle Kinane and Kate Freund in Abed Gheith & Sevan Najarian's "The Pop" (2008)
FA: Concerning “Turdy Longbows”, which (kind of) movies inspired you? Did you use some footage from old movie(s) or is it 100% your creation?
KF: I was totally inspired by “Pippi Longstocking”. My brother, Matt was the DP on this shoot and he made it look very cinematic. I don't think we used any footage from other movies. I just had to re watch it to make sure. Rob helped color correct the footage to give it a washed out, old VHS tape look. Rob also made the opening logo for 1000 milleniums.

FA: How was the post-production of “Turdy Longbows”? The color work and (voluntarily) bad post-synchro are weirdly awesome...

FA: Since it’s a pure nonsense comedy, how did you explain to the actors what’s it’s about?
KF: I gave them a script and sent them links to “Pippi Longstocking” clips. I've worked with Todd Bishop before. He was in Astral girl and “The Day My Boyfriend Became”. He's creative and just gets it. I'll tell him to come dressed as a cowboy and he won't show up dressed as a clown. He understands exactly what I'm going for. Deanna Rooney who plays Leena is also extremely awesome. I had worked with her briefly on a channy video and she just brought so much to the table. I had been wanting to work with her for a while. She also does cartoons. Look her up, her art is rad. I know Armen (Weitzman) , through the “Sarah Silverman Program”. He plays the fantasimart clerk and has appeared in several episodes. He was game to do anything.
FA: “The Vacationaires” contains probably the worst green screen effects that I’ve ever seen. You did it on purpose, right?

Kate Freund in "The Vacationaires" (2009)
FA: Do you think about making one of your shorts into a feature film?
KF: I'd like to do a feature version of “Anna Manesia” or “Mega Bitch Meltdown”. I'd do “Anna” because of the premise and “Mega” for the characters and action. We'll see maybe one day.
End of part 1. Coming soon on part 2: Kate Freund about “The Sarah Silverman Program”, animation and special effects, editing, music videos, Sarah Silverman, Steve Agee, and her new projects.
Thanks to: Kate Freund, Rob Schrab, Steve Agee, Matt Freund and Sammy Primero.
You can watch a lot of Kate Freund short movies on Channel 101 (download) or Youtube (streaming). Check out the links below.

- Channel 101 (official) - Channel 101 (Youtube channel)
- Kate Freund (official) - Kate Freund (Youtube channel)
- Rob Schrab (official) - Rob Schrab (Youtube channel)
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