Following the US DVD/Blu-ray release of the director’s cut of “Watchmen”, here come for Halloween, five official movie costumes from Zack Znider (best) movie.
Next September, guys will have the choice between the outfits of Rorschach (the mask, gloves and hat are already available), Nite Owl II, the Comedian or Ozymandias. Ladies will be able to wear the sexy Silk Spectre II costume only, which includes the gloves, belt, boot tops and romper with garters.
Next September, guys will have the choice between the outfits of Rorschach (the mask, gloves and hat are already available), Nite Owl II, the Comedian or Ozymandias. Ladies will be able to wear the sexy Silk Spectre II costume only, which includes the gloves, belt, boot tops and romper with garters.
The costume worn by Malin Akerman in the movie, is radically different from the one in the original comic book series, as you can see below...

The movie’s costume was designed by Michael Wilkisnson and Syren Couture, a L.A. based production house specialized in latex and leather designs for more than 17 years (they created the unforgettable Michelle Pfeiffer/Catwoman suit for “Batman Returns” as well).
"Watchmen" poster + promo still (©Warner Brothers)
Check out the following article from Syrnen website: Developing & producing the Silk Spectre II at Syren Couture.
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